You can only do one attempt per day after that you’ll receive a message saying “Number of Participation attempts exceeds limit”. You can also access this by going to Carnival then OX Quiz. Player can participate in the event by going to the Prontera Square and talk to the NPC Oxi (OX Quiz Registrar) at the right corner near the entrance of the south gate. Below are the schedule of the OX Quiz event in PHT time (Manila, Philippine Time). This event only appears 3 times a day in the game. The OX Quiz is available for adventurer who reached level 21 as part of the Carnival. There are also facts questions that are not related to the game like Science and Technology.
Most of the questions are based from the game and some are just a basic question for experienced Ragnarok players. When players get several incorrect answers, they may be disqualified for the next round. One of it is this OX Quiz in which players will be arriving in a stage arena where they can moved between O for True and X for False. The unique feature of Ragnarok X Next Generation (RoX) is it has lots of new event and mini-games that are real-playable.